Feniks is the final artefact of my Master's degree. The artefact was the result of my exploration into medieval calligraphy. Calligraphy is a hobby of mine and being able to study this style gave me a better understanding of typography, letter structure, the tools and techniques for creating hand-drawn and digital typefaces.
Project for clients and candidates in the aviation industry. It's an original piece of content that no one in the sector creates. The survey is available in digital format. In this project, I have tried to make the data more interesting by avoiding the standard bar and pie charts as well as making sure that data is easy to read and understand.
Project for clients and candidates in the aviation industry. It's an original piece of content that no one in the sector creates. The survey is available in digital format. In this project, I have tried to make the data more interesting by avoiding the standard bar and pie charts as well as making sure that data is easy to read and understand.
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Calligraphy pen
Personal project
The artefact is a celebration of medieval scripts, its structure is based on script Gothic Littera Bastarda. There are the standard version and a flourished version of the typeface.
The name “Feniks” is the polish word for PHOENIX which symbolises rebirth. My projects intention was to give this craft a place in the 21st century.
Selected Works
Tista - Task managementWeb & mobile app
JobAppApp design
Distant JourneysWeb design
Registration & My accountWeb re-design
BartechWeb design
AMFApp design
MetiDataWeb design and Development
Tate ApprenticeshipMarketing Campaign
Aviation Salary Survey 2018Publication
Beyond LuxuryBranding
FeniksTypeface design
Daily UIUI practice